"Purge These Poisons": The LUNAR ECLIPSE at 14°58' SCORPIO, Friday, May 05, 2023, 17:35 UTC
"It's time to release the remedy and cleanse ourselves of this toxic plague!"
On Friday, May 5, skywatchers around the world will have the opportunity to witness a penumbral lunar eclipse as the moon passes through the Earth’s outer shadow. Although the moon will not completely disappear, it will partially darken during the eclipse.
The event is expected to begin at approximately 15:15 UTC and, weather permitting and provided you have eagle-eye vision, will be visible from certain regions, including Antarctica, Asia, Russia, Oceania, and Eastern and Central Africa. However, for most people, the shadowing effect will be barely perceptible. The eclipse will reach its peak at 17:24 UTC and end at 19:32 UTC. By the time the moon emerges from the Earth's shadow, a south node Scorpio lunation will have cast its spell on the entire world.
Eclipses have a long reputation for being associated with unfortunate events and are often perceived as having a predominantly harmful impact on individuals. Even those who don't care much for astrology are aware of the potential for eclipses to bring bad news. With Mercury currently in retrograde, the fear about this is compounded. In any case, it's important that we try to convey a deeper understanding of the psychological processes involved in eclipses and how to harness their extraordinary power for personal growth, hopefully dispelling some of the bad press and utilise this rather intense eclipse season as an opportunity for introspection and spiritual development.
Eclipses occur when the Sun, Moon, and Earth align in a particular way. A lunar eclipse happens when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, casting its shadow on the Moon. This Friday's eclipse is a penumbral lunar eclipse, which means that the Moon will pass through the Earth's outer shadow, causing it to darken but not completely disappear. This eclipse is particularly significant as it occurs near the south node, complementing the north node eclipse that occurred two weeks prior. The nodes represent the points where the Moon's orbit intersects with the Earth's orbit, symbolising the soul's evolutionary journey.
Dane Rudhyar, a renowned astrologer of the 20th century, likened the Nodes to a spiritual process of metabolism, where the North Node represents the intake and digestion of new spiritual material (i.e., karmic connections, life directions, and behaviour patterns), and the South Node symbolises the release and elimination of what is no longer needed. While the North Node requires effort and intention to ingest the incoming, the South Node can become an automatic excretion of psychic stagnation or spiritual constipation of everything overly relied upon. Rudhyar suggests that establishing a positive focus of conscious acceptance at the North Node is crucial while consecrating the South Node to a larger ideal to help release it into life. Moreover, Rudhyar notes that a planet conjunct the Nodes can act as a powerful and even compulsive lever to facilitate consciousness.
This is why a lunation occurring on or near the Nodes is so potent and personally impactful. Beyond just being any ordinary New or Full Moon, an eclipse intensifies the effects of the Nodes, since eclipses can only occur when the Moon aligns with the Nodes. Eclipses act as cosmic portals that can accelerate our spiritual growth and evolution by bringing to light the karmic lessons associated with the Nodes. They have the power to reveal hidden truths, trigger a chain of life-altering events, and propel us, whether our ego is ready or not, towards our soul's purpose. Because of their unfathomable potency, eclipses are often single-handedly respected as the most significant celestial portents of the shifts and turning points in our lives.
A lunar eclipse is a Full Moon with intense spiritual or karmic overtones. Any Full Moon typically heralds the end of something stirring up on the emotional level, reaffirmed by our interpersonal experiences. At a lunar eclipse, our dependency issues, attachments, habits, emotional identifications and investments are temporarily put on hold, only to be unleashed later with overwhelming ferocity.
At this time, we sense the profound power of our lunar consciousness, the soul potential of our most intuitive essence, which speaks to us in the most prophetic and poetic ways, urging us to release those damned things that no longer serve us. If we can see beyond our ignorance and darkness, we may catch a glimpse of the hidden seed of our own future. This sensation is especially obvious when the Moon is eclipsed at the South Node and sensed by many.
The South Node is associated with the past, heritage, and baggage we carry from previous experiences. It illustrates ancestral themes or past connections that either impede our future potential or enable our tendencies to stay resistant, stagnant and concatenated to a far too obsoleted past.
This lunar eclipse occurring at the Scorpio South Node is the second since the nodes shifted into the Taurus/Scorpio Axis in January 2022. The first was in May of last year, but its full effects were hindered by a T-square from Saturn in Aquarius. This time, with Uranus and Mercury Rx aligned along the Sun/Moon axis, it heralds a significant period of uncontrolled disruptions that can trigger the sudden release of our most toxic elements, bringing them wildly out into the open, releasing them into the environment so that they can be seen and dealt with, once and for all.
Scorpio is known for its intensity, passion, and tendency towards seeking revenge. However, it's also the sign of the Moon's indignant ‘fall’, making the Moon uncomfortable in Scorpio. Her emotional energy can become highly volatile and distorted here, leading to exaggerated emotions, impulses, and subconscious desires that are difficult to control. The Scorpio South Node further amplifies this effect, compelling us to cut ties with our karmic past and patterns that we need to release urgently.
This lunar eclipse will bring to light all the unhealthy patterns and behaviours that we need to release. We may be deeply wounded by past grievances, holding a badness towards anyone who threatens us, seek revenge for past ills, and vow to engage in hidden or illicit activities to exact recrimination. The intense energy of Scorpio can fuel our impulses for retribution and condemnation, leading us to hold fury, to harm others and cause conflicts.
Throughout history, our Scorpio verve has been associated with a desire to survive, dominate and control others, and feed off their power, their creative life force. We have become involved in manipulative power games that exploit our race, sex, class, ideology, and gender differences, perpetuating a cycle of ego-stroking and exploitation. Now, amid a planetary alignment that includes a retrograde Pluto forming nodal squares to the explosive Jupiter/Eris combination, we find ourselves at the crescendo of all global crises, at the peak of one international emergency after another, edging around the pits of a collective psychic turmoil, with an overwhelming need to break away from this absurd state of spiritual paralysis.
On both a personal and collective level, it is becoming clear that continuing on this path will lead to devastating losses, including war, financial extortion and fraud, and the sudden onset of soul-debilitating diseases and mental derangement. The social situation is so dire that its dehumanising element is becoming personally sickening. It is time for us to confront our shadows and release ourselves from the unhealthy patterns and behaviours that hold us back from true healing and growth.
Unless we heed the North Node call of duty to defend the truth, the lunar eclipse has the power to stir up a sense of despair and restlessness that may leave us feeling trapped in a dark night of the soul. If we are plagued by interminable psychic woes and haunted by the imminent threat of failure and loss, it may be a sign that we need to confront the self-created patterns that have brought us to this point. In this moment of darkness, we may find a glimmer of courage to stop cowering; find the moral fortitude to go against the grain; cease expecting that someone else (our government?) will help us to break out of this transgenerational curse of power and control and embrace love, generosity and the pursuit of freedom. This issue is bigger than politics, much more difficult to comprehend by mere science alone.
It is time to accept that nobody is coming to rescue us. We can only save ourselves from this pitiful abyss of cowardice, loathing, and self-contempt. It is time to chart a new course and boldly move towards greater self-reliance and the ability to stand on our own, for ourselves, on our own terms.
Eclipses present an opportunity for inner work but require a willingness to venture into the darkness and see the source of evil with new eyes. The eyes of the soul. This participatory approach allows us to work symbolically with life's unpleasant and painful aspects rather than merely reacting to them or trying to reason and argue our way out of them. During eclipse times, the interrelationship between the Sun (Mind), Earth (Body), and Moon (Soul) becomes apparent, and the primary symbolism of the Nodes manifests in real life. By attuning ourselves to this celestial energy, we can gain valuable insights and experience personal growth.
During this time, it's possible to work with the energies of the nodes, which can help us to grow and evolve on a psychological and spiritual level. I have crafted a personalised message for each zodiac sign [links below], offering unique insights and guidance for navigating the energies of this lunation. I recognise that we each have uniquely different approaches to working with these energies, so I encourage you to read both your Sun and Rising sign reading for the most comprehensive guidance.
If you're not already a premium member, I invite you to subscribe now to gain access to these exclusive readings and unlock the full potential of this lunation. And if you're experiencing specific challenges and seeking deeper insights, I also welcome you to book a private session for greater clarity. Thank you for your ongoing appreciation and support for my work. I look forward to connecting with you soon and sending many blessings your way xx
Love this Ang...Thank you. "“Now, amid a planetary alignment that includes a retrograde Pluto forming nodal squares to the explosive Jupiter/Eris combination, we find ourselves at the crescendo of all global crises, at the peak of one international emergency after another, edging around the pits of a collective psychic turmoil, with an overwhelming need to break away from this absurd state of spiritual paralysis.”
-Ang Stoic
Loved this. Very pertinent. Thank you for all the work you do - writing something like this is no small task.